Showing the Creative Process with Nadia

I came away from this shoot saying, ‘I love photographing artists.’ The colors, the materials, the supplies—there’s so much that can be done to highlight artists and their work. Inviting your audience to witness your process is a great way to create closeness with your customers.

mixed media artist work in progress vancouver brand photos Karina Louise photography

As creatives, we often wait until our creation is complete before sharing it with our community. The painting is framed and hung on the wall. The photos are edited and retouched. The vase is glazed and fired and styled with pretty flowers.

It can be scary to share something before it’s done. Nadia Aldea is a perfect example of how sharing the process creates a connection with the artist, and the audience becomes invested in what the artist is creating. We almost get to create right alongside her.

work in progress artist brand photos in vancouver by Karina Louise photography

What Nadia does so well on her Instagram and what we were able to play with during our shoot is the work in progress. Capturing the act of creation. The story of what went into the product is so interesting and creates a strong connection with your community. If someone is choosing to buy a handmade item over a generic mass-made piece, they most likely are curious about how the product is made. They enjoy seeing that creative process.

Depending on your craft, this could be sketching or writing or stitching. So when you are thinking about how to share your offerings, think about the creative act. What is your process? And how might we be able to show that in photos or video?

artist brand photography by vancouver photographer Karina Louise

When we showcase our creative process, we invite our audience into our world. We show them the dedication, the passion, and the hard work that goes into each piece. It’s not just about the final product. It’s about the journey to get there. And by sharing that journey, we invite others to be a part of it, to support us, and to appreciate our art on a deeper level.

So, the next time you’re hesitant to share your work in progress, remember the power it holds. Embrace the messy, imperfect, beautiful process, and let your audience see the magic unfold before their eyes.

natural portrait of artist Nadia Aldea vancouver brand photos