MOMS AT WORK: Kareen Van Nen

One of the reasons I love photographing business owners is to help them get the word out about their service or product.  Being able to SHOW your services on your website and social media helps potential customers to envision working with YOU.

woman with a scalp micro pigmentation client

In the spirit of promoting other business owners, I’d like to introduce you to one of my recent clients in the Vancouver area. Kareen Van Nen. Kareen has recently opened a Scalp Micropigmentation business in Port Moody and the Vancouver area.

brand photography for Kareen van nen in vancouver Canada

What is Scalp Micropigmentation you might ask? When she inquired to get a photo session together, I had no idea either! I’ve learned that Scalp Micropigmentation is a semi-permanent, realistic hair loss treatment for anyone experiencing balding, thinning or hair loss. I’d heard of people getting semi-permanent tattoo to fill in their eyebrows – this is a similar process to fill in thinning hair on one’s scalp. Makes sense to me!

Kareen and I clicked right away (no pun intended). I loved her no pretense style of communicating. Quick responses. Straight to the point. She’s a busy Mom with 3 children so there’s no time to waste!

scalp micro pigmentation brand photography vancouver studio

I asked Kareen a few simple questions about starting and running her new business venture here in Vancouver.

If you could outsource any part of your business (for free) what would you choose?

  • Advertising! Copy, writing and media platforms are not in my wheelhouse and I’m happy to relinquish those duties to a good professional. 

3 words to describe your style/brand?

  • Minimal, trustworthy, professional 

Any advice for someone about to get a photoshoot for their small biz?

  • Choose a professional photographer whose style resonates with your own. Look at their work and see if their photos speak to you and your own brand vision. 

How can we support you and your business?

  • Come try out my services! Use this coupon code INK4FR75 for the month of October to get 75% off.


Thanks Kareen!


Are you starting or running your own small business? Good job! I know it can be tough to keep the momentum going with so many balls in the air. I’d love to help you keep your website images and social media looking warm and professional.

Check out the details and sign up for one of my studio sessions for headshot or branding photos in Vancouver and San Francisco.